Hair loss happens for many different reasons—but ultimately, it’s because the follicles are no longer producing. When the natural hair growth cycle is disrupted, it can lead to excessive shedding and to extreme hair loss, but the right treatment can restore your follicles to their proper functioning. One treatment that can be highly effective in this regard is laser hair growth therapy—and that’s something we’re excited to offer here at Abstrax Hair Designs & Restoration.

How Laser Hair Regrowth Therapy Works

For this treatment, low levels of laser light in conjunction with Head First therapy are applied to the scalp, with the intention of stimulating new blood flow to the follicles—restoring their functionality, and generating new hair growth. For those who are early in the hair loss process, this can effectively reverse hair loss altogether. It can also work well in conjunction with topical treatments, such as the ones we offer through the Head First line.

Laser hair therapy is both safe and painless, and it’s been proven effective in generating new hair growth. Not only that, but it’s convenient. The laser units we offer are portable, and meant to be used at home. You can receive your laser treatments while you watch TV, surf the Web, or read a book. Treatments just take a few minutes each day, and they’re easy to self-administer. Our stylists will show you everything you need to know about laser hair therapy, right here in our comfortable studio.

HairMax Laser Treatment

HairMax Laser Treatment

Low-level laser technology, stimulates blood flow to hair follicles, encouraging additional hair growth while improving the overall quality of your hair. The Hairmax laser comb is portable, prescription free and was the first medical device cleared by the FDA to promote hair regrowth.

iGrow Laser Hair Growth Helmet

iGrow Laser Hair Growth Helmet

iGrow is an FDA-approved product, that is hands-free and available for use in the comfort of your own home. The iGrow Hair Rejuvenation System uses low-level light therapy to help treat balding and thinning hair in both men and women.

Theradome Hair Growth Helmet

Theradome Hair Growth Helmet

Theradome is an effective and safe treatment for hair loss. Theradome is an FDA-approved low-light treatment device that stimulates blood flow to the hair follicles. It can trigger new hair growth and curb the effects of hair loss. This product is a portable laser device you can use at home. Allowing you to be in charge of your own treatments, all while being hands-free.

Is Laser Hair Regrowth Therapy Right for You?

As you try to determine whether laser hair therapy is right for you, we encourage you to come meet with an Abstrax Hair Designs & Restoration stylist. We’re Toms River, New Jersey’s leading hair restoration center, and we’re equally known for our technical expertise and for our warm, approachable style. We get to know each client in a relaxed, one-on-one setting, and we’ll talk with you about the options that are best for you—whether that includes laser therapy or something else altogether.

You don’t have to settle for hair loss. Take the first step toward revitalizing your full, healthy hairline today. Contact the team at Abstrax Hair Designs & Restoration to schedule your consultation.